
Penni Jo wurde in Wisconsin, USA geboren. Sie war 27 Jahre lang ehrenamtlich bei einer internationalen christlichen Theatergruppe tätig – 13 von diesen 27 Jahre war sie auf Tournee. Ihr 2014 erschienenes Album “Much Water” ist eine Sammlung von selbst geschriebenen Liedern über Glauben, Scheitern, Freude und Identität. 2018 trat Penni Jo bei The Voice of Germany auf und beeindruckte die Juroren beeindruckte die Juroren mit Ihrer rauen Stimme und ihrer ausdrucksstarken Darbietung . Penni Jo hat einen wunderbaren Ehemann und eine erwachsene Tochter und lebt heute im Westerwald.

2018 – Teilnehmer bei The Voice of Germany

2014 – Release of demo album “Much Water

1997 – backup singer on “I Can Do All Things”

1994 – backup singer on “More Than Conquerors”

1991 – 2018 – member of Covenant Players, Christian drama ministry

Penni Jo was born in Wisconsin USA.  After finishing secondary school, she joined an international Christian drama ministry where she served as a full time volunteer for 27 years, travelling for 13 of those 27 years; her travels have taken her throughout the United States, Canada, Germany, Sweden, the UK, Ireland, Austria, Italy and Switzerland.

Her 2014 album “Much Water” is a collection of original songs about faith, failure, joy and identity.  In 2018 Penni Jo appeared on The Voice of Germany impressing the judges with the rawness and depth of her vocal performance. 

Penni Jo has a wonderful husband and they have adult daughter. Penni Jo now lives in the Westerwald area of Germany.


2018 – Teilnehmer bei The Voice of Germany

2017 – lead and backup singer on FeG Westerburg worship CD II

2016 – lead and backup singer on FeG Westerburg worship CD I

2014 – Release of demo album Much Water

2014 – Berklee College of Music courses in Music Production and Songwriting

1997 – backup singer on “I Can Do All Things”

1994 – backup singer on “More Than Conquerors”

1991 – 1998 – backup singer, lead singer and music director, Covenant Players Catalysts units

1991 – 2018 – member of Covenant Players, Christian drama ministry